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FYI we no longer sell race fuel.

My Account

When placing orders, please review our temporary COVID-19 returns policy.

We must ship to your card billing address to prevent credit card fraud. Thus, please do not enter multiple addresses on separate lines under billing (e.g.,  both a PO box and a street address). Please note that a human will be reviewing your order and will check which address was used by our payment service provider. This is the address we will ship to, and any other address will be ignored and/or removed from your account. We will email you to confirm this.

If your web browser automatically pre-fills form fields with inaccurate information, please delete any unnecessary/inaccurate information, and consider adjusting your browser's form autofill settings.

If you want to ship to an address other than your card billing address, do not place the order via this shopping cart. Please send us an email via the contact form with the addresses and parts you want to order and we will contact you will our bank wire info for a bank wire transfer in lieu of a card.

We cannot force you to read it, but we STRONGLY encourage you to review our Policies page BEFORE placing your order. Most relevant questions you may have, e.g., about:

  • shipping methods
  • payment methods
  • returns
  • international orders

will be answered there. If you email us with a question about anything contained there, we will first ask if you have read this information that we've already provided. If you do in fact have a question that is truly not answered there, and have suggestions for content we should add to this page, we would love to read your suggestion.

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